Tips and tricks to boost Christmas Affiliate Marketing Sales

Tips and tricks to boost Christmas Affiliate Marketing Sales

Tips and tricks to boost Christmas Affiliate Marketing Sales for 2022

The 2022 holiday is upon us. It is known and generally accepted that the last quarter of the year is a special time for affiliate marketers all over the world. Now is the perfect time to unleash your holiday strategies and start reaping those benefits. Here are seven tips below that will optimize your game plan so you will have a nice and lucrative holiday campaign.


1. Do your research: Review past years' results to see what worked best and based on that, decide what has the highest potential of sales during this year’s holidays. Choosing the right vertical is an essential part of your success. On top of the list, according to  Google Shopping Holiday 100 for 2022 for example (which lists 100 of the most popular gift ideas based on Google searches this holiday season), you will find electronics, toys, gadgets, tools, and home improvements supplies, lifestyle, health, and household products, beauty and personal care items and office products.


2. Choose the right time to deploy your campaign. When others are sleeping, you are working hard on your “battle plan”. Black Friday is a good time of the year for everybody. Your competition will likely have a small break from all the work, thinking people’s purchasing power has diminished. Now it’s actually the perfect time for you to start working on the Christmas campaign and make everybody aware of your irresistible offers.


3. Get to know your customer base and adjust your offer to each GEO in particular, taking into consideration each zone’s culture and mindset. Not all of your offers will work the same. Take into consideration each country’s specific holiday and tailor your campaign based on that. This is a good tool that will contribute to your successful campaign.


4. Use emotional marketing. It’s a powerful force and will strike a nerve with your audience in a way that offers real value. It will help you stand out from the crowd and steer you towards commercial success this holiday season. More often than not, it’s taping into a single emotion: feelings including sadness, anger, happiness, fear, and excitement, in order to encourage a consumer response. How to achieve this: Understand your audience (take the time to understand your customer’s needs, wants, and preferences. Use also google analytics to look for demographic data). Tell a meaningful story – people love stories that stick in their minds and create strong emotional responses. Emotional marketing will set you apart from the competition and it will help you showcase your brand values, create purposeful messaging and help make long-lasting connections with your customers. And the best time to strike is the holiday season.


5. Don’t be afraid to discount items in eCOM, but be strategic and smart about it. For example, slash prices at certain increments. Start off with something small, say 30%, and then continue to discount. Empty storage and a full bank account in between the passing of the years will always give you a chance to start the new year free and full of new ideas on how to grow your business.


6.  Think outside of the box. This will set you apart from the competition and will raise your awareness levels in your customer’s eyesight. A good way to go is guerilla marketing. One of the things that make guerrilla marketing strategies so attractive for many companies is that it’s cost-effective. It draws upon creativity and inspiration, instead of monetary investment. Just like a guerrilla fighter, guerrilla marketers have to be crafty, artful, and rather innovative when developing good guerrilla marketing tactics. So, why not tie your image to an Easter Bunny, instead of a Santa, that delivers the general message: “Since Santa is so busy at this time of the year, we decided to go for the next best thing and got his trusty side kick – the Easter Bunny to help along”.


7. Watch budgets and data more carefully due to price increases specific to the holiday season. Conducting your business requires that you need to be mindful of these facts and take into consideration increased prices for the clicks that will direct traffic to your line of business. Sometimes, double the amount of money. Try to find the thin balance between the cost of attracting traffic/income, so the balance will tilt your way.


Sticking to these tips will guarantee you a lucrative holiday season and will provide a valuable learning opportunity, that will help further your business to the next level.